Ready to make some changes to the way you nourish yourself and/or your family? Using the guidelines set forth in the book SatFatRox and Other Censored Nutritional Gems, we custom craft cooking instruction to support your wellness efforts and gently steer you in the direction best suited for your optimal performance.

SatFatRox And Other Censored Nutritional Gems
A Guide and Cookbook
SatFatRox And Other Censored Nutritional Gems is a guide and cookbook to help everyone remove the grains, dairy, and soy out of their diets forever- while still enjoying their favorite foods like biscuits, chocolate chip cookies, and Thanksgiving stuffing! Why would you want to remove these foods from your diet? Because an overwhelming amount of research from the last 100 years has shown them to negatively impact every aspect of our health. No grains! No dairy! No soy! No almond meal or seed meals! Vegan and vegetarian friendly. Transform your body, your brain, and your soul, with pearls of wisdom and experience, and the gems of clean science. “SatFatRox”, “Cholesterol is King”, and “The Right Salt is Pink”, are three of the twenty one Censored Nutritional Gems unearthed for you in one rock solid publication. Put your thinking cap, and apron, on and get ready to be liberated!